While most major

The gap between supporters and opponents of Question 3 on the Nov. 8 ballot appears to be narrowing with one week left until Election Day. While most major ballot initiatives in Maine see their support wane as the election nears, Question 3 witnessed a significant drop in support, from 61 percent to 52 percent, while the opposition increased by 10 points, from 33 percent to 43 percent, according to two Portland Press Herald polls conducted roughly five weeks apart..

I welcome the “international trespasser” into my home everyday. If you remember, Jesus and his family were refugees too, but he is welcome in my house. How about yours? Can you see all people as children of God? Or are you too busy judging and condemning others, and blinded by hate.

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No TV lover’s shelf is complete without Aaron Sorkin’s romanticized version of Washington. Amazon is selling the complete series of The West Wing for less than $65. That’s a steal! So after eating all the wholesale jerseys finest muffins and bagels in all the land, open your wallet for seven seasons of politics that won’t make you want to stick your head in the deep fryer..

Namita pointed out that creative people have the privilege of “playing God” with what they create. “Write stories, play games and ask ‘What if?’,” she urged. “While what actually sparks an idea is something that you have to try and figure out for yourself, you have to understand how creativity happens.

I read what Ian Ayre said today,and in my opinion, that is gonna do nothing to allay supporter fears. They can dress it up how they like. They still hitting us hard in the pocket,and those prices are ridiculous. When it comes to Vietnamese food, pho gets all the attention, but for my money, bun bo hue is superior, especially if you like your beef noodle soup on wholesale jerseys the spicy side. While the restaurant also serves pho, it’s the spicy bowls of bun bo hue that are on everyone’s table. In addition to thin slices of beef, the soup comes with fat, spaghettilike noodles, beef tendon (it’s better than it sounds), pork sausage and blood cake.

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